
Narooma Motors

Opening Hours

Monday: 8:00 - 2.30

Tuesday: 8:00 - 2.30

Wednesday: 8:00 - 2.30

Thursday: 8:00 - 2.30

Friday: 8:00 - 2.30

However, if there are no bookings in the afternoon, we'll be closing earlier.

Contact us

Service: 4476 2080
Spares: 4476 1175

11-13 Graham Street
Narooma NSW 2546




Narooma Motors is now solely an NRMA roadside assistance depot and

AIS (rego) inspection station. 

Pink Slips and Blue Slips by appointment as usual, or turn up at the door and you might be lucky and get it done on the spot. For other inspections and diagnosis please call as usual.


If you call and get the answer machine, please leave a phone number! Can't call you back if you don't leave a number. 






